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Kocoatrait’s Plastic Positivity: A Sweet Revolution in Sustainable Chocolate

In an era where environmental sustainability is more important than ever, businesses across the globe are striving to adopt eco-friendly practices. One such industry that has been undergoing a remarkable transformation is the craft chocolate industry. Among the pioneers in this journey towards sustainability is Kocoatrait, a brand that has recently achieved the remarkable milestone of India’s 1st craft chocolate brand to become “plastic positive.” In this blog post, we will explore what plastic positivity means and why Kocoatrait’s achievement is a significant milestone for the craft chocolate industry.

What is Plastic Positivity?

Before delving into Kocoatrait’s plastic positivity, let’s understand the concept itself. “Plastic positivity” is a term coined to describe the practice of removing more plastic from the environment than a company produces. In essence, it’s a commitment to not only minimize the use of plastic in their operations but also to actively contribute to the reduction of plastic waste. This approach is rooted in sustainability and a dedication to protecting the planet.

Kocoatrait’s Sweet Success: Chocolates with Plastic Positivity

Kocoatrait, a sustainable chocolate brand, has achieved plastic positivity, and it’s a big deal for several reasons:

  1. Environmental Impact: Kocoatrait’s commitment to being plastic positive means that they are actively working towards removing more plastic from the environment than they introduce. They use innovative packaging solutions and are involved in clean-up initiatives, contributing to a cleaner, greener planet. This move aligns with the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products, helping to reduce the chocolate industry’s environmental footprint.
  2. Consumer Benefits: As consumers become increasingly conscious of their ecological footprint, the availability of plastic-positive chocolates is a welcome choice. Choosing Kocoatrait chocolates not only allows consumers to indulge in delicious treats but also empowers them to make a positive impact on the environment. This newfound awareness can lead to more responsible buying habits and help raise awareness about sustainability in the chocolate industry.
  3. Industry Differentiation: The craft chocolate industry, often characterized by small-batch, artisanal production, now has the opportunity to set itself apart from the mainstream chocolate industry. Kocoatrait’s plastic positivity is a prime example of how small, niche players can lead the charge in adopting eco-friendly practices. As consumers increasingly seek sustainable alternatives, the craft chocolate industry can position itself as a leader in the responsible production of delectable treats.
  4. Leading from the front: Kocoatrait’s achievement serves as an inspiration for other businesses within and outside the craft chocolate industry. It showcases that it’s not only feasible but also beneficial for companies to adopt plastic-positive practices. By doing so, they not only fulfill their corporate social responsibility but also gain the trust and loyalty of environmentally conscious consumers.
  5. A Shift in Consumer Behavior: Kocoatrait’s journey to plastic positivity also has the potential to reshape consumer behavior. When consumers recognize the positive environmental impact of their choices, it can trigger a shift in their mindset, encouraging them to make more sustainable choices in other aspects of their lives.


Kocoatrait’s plastic positivity is a beacon of hope in the chocolate industry’s journey towards sustainability. It sets an example for other businesses and serves as a reminder that small changes can make a big difference in the world’s battle against plastic pollution. The achievement of being plastic positive not only benefits the environment but also empowers consumers to make more responsible choices. As the craft chocolate industry continues to differentiate itself from the conventional chocolate industry, Kocoatrait’s success will likely inspire others to follow suit, ultimately making a sweeter, more sustainable world for all. So, the next time you indulge in a piece of Kocoatrait chocolate, you can savor not only the exquisite taste but also the sweet knowledge that you’re contributing to a cleaner, plastic-positive planet. Learn more about us at:

The certification and the plastic recycle program is Kocoatrait’s partnership with The Disposal Company which is a SAAS – Sustainability As A Solution Platform, backed by Accenture.